Thursday, October 31, 2013

I've been away from my blog for a while.  It's not because I think that things in the USA have gotten better after Obama was elected. 

The webcartoon just wasn't going anywhere, and I'm clueless how to create an audience.  I miss doing the cartoons and would like to start up again, but I need to feel some lovin' to make me get over to the drawing board. 

I hope you enjoy this video, and please go to and subscribe.  It's free.  If you are looking for a unique gift for someone - check out .   I do caricature work and what you receive is a 14"x17" watercolor/ink drawing that is suitable for framing.  All I need is a story and some photo reference.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Here’s a FISH!

Out walking one night I came upon an alley, and when I looked down it I saw a bunch of thugs beating the hell out of my Uncle Sam. The thugs saw me and came toward me. I was way too much in shock and awe to run. One of the thugs reached into his pocket and handled me $600 and told me to get lost. I took the money and ran.

That’s what the Bush administration and congress did on Thursday to the people of the United States. The president thinks that borrowing an estimated 150 billion dollars and throwing it at the people will solve the economic problems of this country. How?

Well we’ll find out on January 28th with his last State of the Union address. Now like presidential candidate John McCain I can tell you I don’t understand economics, but I think I have some common sense.

Some of the details of the speech seem to involve households receiving tax rebates of between $300- $1,200 and $300 for each child that they have. Another part of the package involves tax cuts for businesses, giving firms incentives to invest in new facilities, development, upgrades, employment,…. Small companies will see lenient laws on expense write offs, and companies in financial difficulties will get rebates for taxes already paid.

If the expectation is that the average citizen will go out and buy more “toys” manufactured in China, who probably will finance the borrowed $150 billion, I truly hope they are wrong. The best thing anyone could do with this “one-time rebate” is pay off bills or sock it away. If we are in so much trouble as a nation, then throwing more borrowed money at it won’t work.

If we all go out and spend this “one-time” rebate on more consumer goods, who benefits? It’s not the person buying this stuff – it’s the corporations and stock holders! Unless you plan on going into a Wal-Mart or Target and buying products manufactured in the USA --- well, first off good luck finding something made in the United States.

That’s the point! That rebate money won’t even go back into your community! If there’s unemployment, housing, and infra-structure problems going on, the money should be put into programs to solve these issues, so people will have financial security to purchase more toys.

No wait – that’s a Franklin Roosevelt concept. This is an administration and congress that prefers Herbert Hoover. They prefer to sell off everything like a yard sale.

Maybe looking at it from a religious perspective would be better because our government loves that; you can give a person a fish to eat or teach him to fish.

Jake Drew

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We're Being Robbed!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Say What?

The tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto, former prime minister and the principal contender in Pakistan’s elections in the next few weeks, leaves a lot of questions to be answered or may never to be answered.

So far her death is in question as to whether she was shot or hit her head on the sun roof of the vehicle. Was al-Qaeda responsible? The Bush Administration comes out claiming that her assassination was a tragedy and they were supporting her in the elections, but their support has always been behind President Pervez Musharraf. Heck! The USA has given him an estimated $10 billion to fight terrorism.

One question that I think ties into all this is what did Bhutto mean that Osama bin Laden was killed?

Not long ago, November second, she made this comment on David Frost’s show, “Frost Over the World”, which is broadcast on Al Jazeera English television. Sir David Frost asked her about the assassination attacks against her possible win in the election. Bhutto responded that she had contacted Musharraf. She felt that rather than focus on the organizations that it would be more important to go after three people who supported, financed, and organized these groups.

Sir David pushed further in getting her to mention who these three were, and Bhutto pretty much named them on the television.

Bhutto answered with no hesitation, "Yes, well one of them is a very key figure in security. He's a former military officer. He's someone who's had dealings... and he also had dealings with Omar Sheikh (Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh), the man who murdered Osama bin Laden."

Say what? The man who murdered bin Laden?

Now maybe Sir David Frost isn’t the interviewer he used to be before the “Sir” part was added to his name because he never questioned what she had just said.

And then another vague message by bin Laden in a video shows up days after Bhutto’s death. Her accusation opens up a whole bunch of questions into her assassination.

You can see the video on YouTube. The questioning starts about 4:30 into the interview, but it are worth watching the whole interview.

While you are at it – Come join us at

Jake Drew